In this season of my life, God has been doing SO many amazing things. I am always amazed how God brings me through so many different seasons in life. During this season of my life, God has been teaching me and convicting to fully mature into the woman that God has for me to be. I used to focus so much on finding that "perfect", godly guy, but lately I have been very convicted that I haven't been concentrating on growing myself into the mature godly woman that the type of guy that I am looking for will want. It is certainly a process to overcome sins or issues in my life that I want to do away with, but by God's grace, I know I can overcome anything. I seek to be restored and renewed everyday of my life, because I know it is not a one day process or a specific goal that can be attained.
Part of my journey to become the godly woman that I strive to be is watching very carefully how I treat the men in my life. I have a lot of guy friends that I am close with and I tend to open up to people very quickly. It is just my personality, but I need to be careful to not share every little detail of my life with every guy that I become buds with. I need to purposefully watch my words and my actions as to guard my heart, and theirs as well.
I want to guard my heart so that one day, I can give it fully to the man that God has for me. I don't want to go around sharing precious thoughts about my hopes and dreams for the future with every guy I meet. I need to work to guard my heart everyday, which is a process that is very hard to do alone. Thank Jesus, He doesn't let me go through it alone.
"Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23
God is concerned about every little thing that is concerning you. From the strands of hair on your head, to your thoughts, to your relationship choices. God loves you more then you could ever imagine. While He loves us right where we are, He loves us too much for us to stay there. He calls us to come up from the pain, heartache, and lies, and instead to run into His arms.
Princesses, men will fail you, they will disappoint you, and they won't always be there. This doesn't make them bad, but merely human. Christ, our Lord is ALWAYS there. He is wholeheartedly pursuing us with an everlasting love. He is surrounding us with protection. He is more then able and the definition of sufficient for us. Our Abba loves to love us.
"Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?" Isaiah 2:22
My prayer is that as you ladies continue on in this journey of guarding your hearts, that you would fall deeper and deeper in love with Jesus. Despite the past, no matter what it may hold, we must leave those things behind and press on towards the future. The future filled with hope that God has for you. I pray that you desire to guard your heart and renew your mind everyday, and when you don't feel like it, to do it anyway.
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