I am sorry for the lack of adventurous pictures on the blog lately. My goal was to post at least one, if not two picture heavy, adventure posts every week, but clearly I have been lacking. But that may be changing soon, as my iPhone won't be my only source of picture taking ;)
I am so excited to finally be able to say that I only have one semester of college left. It has probably been the hardest semester to date. It was full of endless papers, a copious amount of coffee, and ALL the late nights having sweet, funny, and slightly delusional conversations with the girls on my hall. But thank the Lord that He is faithful, constant, and ALWAYS moving even when we can't see it!
This was the first semester that I drank coffee everyday. Now I must have the cup of delicious cup of magic every morning. BUT, what got me through even more was time I spent with the Lord and the wonderful people He placed in my life to encourage me. A time that I could have thrown in the towel, gave up, and declared that the RA, senior, and 18 hours was not for me. In those moments when I felt like I had nothing left to give to my school, ministry, or friendships, the Lord showed me so clearly that it's not about what I can do anyway. He gave me all of these blessings (including the homework), and He will be the one who will enable me to handle them and use them to bring Him glory. I broke down before the Lord MANY times this semester. Although it was often painful, to finally be able to see His power and be reminded of His promises to me was worth every tear, pain, and hard talks that had to be had. It was refreshing to be reminded that I don't have to balance everything in my life on my own. Now that it's all over, I look back and see times that the Lord was working, even though I didn't recognize it at the time. I love that we can KNOW that He is sovereign and in control. I can't wait to see what He will do my final semester. Overall, it was a trying, yet wonderful semester. Here are some pictures from some of my favorite times.

^^The third and probably the most fun hike of the semester with the awesome possum bro do^^
^^ I am so thankful to have served alongside of these wonderful ladies this semester!^^
^^Charlottesville trip to see this long-haired beauty was so great!^^
^^The best friend that I made all semester, Billy^^
^^Al Ryan, a mediterranean restaurant downtown. SO yummy!^^
^^We dressed up as them for Halloween hall meeting. I was pretty spot on^^
^^Our first of many fun tailgates^^
I am truly beyond blessed with some of the funniest, most encouraging friends that there ever was.