2015 | A Hope for the New Year


A New Year. For someone who loves fresh starts, new beginnings, striving towards goals, and making lists, you would think I thrive and love this holiday we celebrate.  In years pasts I always had a silent excitement for the new year, knowing that I had the chance to start over and afresh. It gave me an excuse to make a list without people judging me for my weird obsession with listing anything and everything. But this year, has been much different.

I could go on and on about the memories that this year held.  I could make another list of things I'm going to strive for in 2015, but strange as it may be, I've not been in the list making mood lately.

This year has stretched me and grown me more then ever before. I experienced seasons of joy, sorrow, confusion, pain, and everything in between. Yes, there are many memories of great adventures, endless laughs, road trips, and delicious coffee and donuts. But those are not the memories from this past year that stick out the most.

Seeing a life drawn to Christ, a study of Ephesians over coffee, praising with thousands brothers and sisters, seeing fears conquered, crying on the mountaintop. Those are the moments that I hold dear. When Christ was exalted. When I saw the victory that we have. When I saw chains broken. When I saw hearts healed.

I'm so humbled in those moments when I get to witness a life changed by the love that the Lord so graciously lavishes on us. I'm so thankful for the moments that I wept before the Lord full of hurt, fear, and uncertainty.  For he turned my mourning into dancing and clothed me with joy.

That is all that I desire for this year. To see Christ lifted high. In my life and the lives of those around me. What a gift we have to be able to experience the life-changing, patient, all-powerful love that comes from the Father, the maker of heaven and earth.


  1. I love this photo of you! So pretty and bright. Happy new year to you!


  2. I love your heart for Christ. It's contagious. Thank you for not being afraid to share! I love that.

  3. I hope you have an amazing new year Jess!! I hope you can spend the whole year being the most you that you can be, and most happy :) xx
