RVA Days | Pole Green Church


I'm such a free-spirit and adventurer that my little heart was aching after not being able to capture the beauty that is always around me.

The night before this solo mini-adventure I had just poured my heart out to my boyfriend about how I felt like my creativity and passions were being squelched and I felt so trapped and discouraged because of it.  He sweetly encouraged me, as he always does, to do what I can now with what I have. It may seem as if I may never see my dreams come to complete fruition, but I can take small steps now to get me to where I dream of being later in life.

I've been praying lately for a clearer vision for my future and how it will incorporate the passions I've been given me.

I'm still trying to figure it out and it may take a while.  But I know my next step, and that is what I will work on for now.  Until that day comes when I am getting to do what I love full-time, I will make the most of what I have today for it is a blessing.


  1. Love your photos!! My favorite is #10 from top to bottom:) Hope you get to do want you want and do it amazingly<3

    1. thanks mariya! that one is my favorite too! :)
