Senior Pictures | Brother


Can I tell you how great my brother is?  Because he is seriously the greatest.  He likes to go on adventures with me, will sit on my floor and talk for hours, and gives me great fashion advice.  I think he is more of a girl then I am...

So I took some "senior" pictures for him at the beginning of the summer.  It was the first time I had done a real shoot and he was up to do whatever crazy thing I asked him to do to get the shot.  We climbed many things, almost fell into the river, and probably trespassed accidentally somewhere along the way.  Seems like the older I get the more I treasure time spent with him.  Whether we are talking about theology, relationships, or joking I value the conversations I get to have with my brother.  They are edifying.  I thought that I would never have the healthy friendship with my brother that I always desired growing up.  My prayers were answered through the Lord continuing to grow and teach us both more, but mostly from a lot of humbling on my part. 


  1. these are seriously amazing jessie!!!! i really, really love the second last one.

    i wish my brother would let me do this for him! he's not too fond of pictures haha but i know exactly what you mean when you say that the older you both get, the more you appreciate your time together. i feel the same way!

    happy sunday! hope you're enjoying your weekend :) xx

  2. These are so lovely, I really get a sense that you guys have a fun and close relationship!
    There is nothing better than photographing someone you love and know through and through :) x

  3. Lovely pictures! You're so lucky your sibling will actually pose for you. Haha. Love your blog xx

    The Life of Little Me
